Saturday 14 November 2009

Tommy's Room

This weekend we are preparing for three big things this coming next week: we have our first court date for finalizing Tommy's adoption, my Mom is coming to visit (to go to court with us), and we have our social worker coming to inspect and (hopefully) approve our new home.

Thus we have been tackling the last of our boxes, hanging pictures, and desperately searching for storage solutions. Hopefully no one will ever look in any of our may be dangerous to open those doors.

Last night we finished up Tommy's room. The only thing I am still contemplating is whether or not I want to put up curtains to reduce the light in the morning. So, here are the promised pictures.

Enthralled by the humidifier

Awesome garage sale find: Elephant and Lion pictures

Little safari animals

Crib and toys

Posters of animals and birds in Uganda

Changing table...where we spend most of our time

Mobile from Uganda


  1. We have the same mobile! :) Deken loves it!

  2. I love it! Thanks for sharing. Oh and don't worry about the things you wrote in the last post. I am sure he is doing fine (you are doing a wonderful job!!). And isn't he too young to be potty trained anyway:)??

  3. Really cute, and we have the lion picture (and a Zebra one)!

  4. I would recommend something on the windows for sunlight - especially as you get into a napping routine. Simple panels that can be open and closed, or a black-out shade that goes up and down.

    It was helpful for us! But, then again, it all depends on the sleep habits of Tommy, right? Not Harper and Zane . . . LOL.
