Thursday 10 September 2009

Stop Three

We have moved once again.

Tommy with Grandma Janie in the parking lot of the lab guest house

Playing with some new toys in our hotel room

Tommy with Dad and Grandma Janie exploring DuPage County

We dropped Jeff's mom off at Midway on Sunday, went back to the guest house, loaded up the car, and moved to Downers Grove. We will be staying with a family here until our place opens up, which will hopefully be on the 15th or thereabouts. Tommy has, once again, transitioned well. He has found a new love- extremely large dogs. We are staying with two labs, and he is smitten.

In the backyard with one of his two new friends

At first he was curious, but a little afraid, but now he is tentatively extending his fingers to give the dogs a pat or a poke. He throws back his head and laughs whenever he gets smacked with a tail. He has begun stalking the dogs through the house, gingerly approaching them, then backing up quickly when they start to pay attention to him.

Playing in the backyard

Excuse me while I pose for this one


Good standing

Time to dry off

Jeff and I are hanging in there. God has really blessed us by placing us with families that he has gifted in the hospitality department. He has also seen fit to place us in homes where we can benefit from the examples of some very good, experienced parents, and families who understand the complications of adoption. Still, we are excited about establishing our new home, and waiting for that is hard. Living out of suitcases gets old. There are things that got packed that we should have kept with us, and it is frustrating to keep "making do."

Our boy

But we have a roof over our heads, a comfortable bed to sleep in, and plenty of food. Best of all, we have our boy, and life is good.


  1. Oh, my heart is broken in a good way.... what an adorable boy Tommy is. Those toes! =0) Thank you for sharing your journey.

  2. What a sweet ending. I loved the pictures, especially the toes! I had fun playing with this one too

  3. I love that Tommy has absolutly no idea just how many people love him and that he has a whole family that can't wait to meet him! Downer's Grove is a really nice place and would be an awesome place to raise kids. So excited for you guys! Can't wait to see you in a few weeks. Love to you all!

  4. Hiya! I love the photo of "good standing". He has such a wonderful smile, Amy!! It's absolutely contagious. :) Thanks for sharing your photos!

  5. So glad he handled the moves well! What a cutie. The pictures just melt my heart!
