Tuesday 25 August 2009


How many almost-PhD's does it take to set up a pack-n-play?

Answer: More than two, apparently.

Actually we do have it figured out. It just took us longer than we wanted it to take, because there are way too many extra parts.

I went to Target intending to look at the simple play yards, because Tommy is too big for a "newborn napper station" and all the bells and whistles most of the pricey pack-n-plays have. I saw some that looked serviceable, and I laughed at the one with a vibrating napper, changing table, diaper stacker, and nature sound machine. Seriously, it has five different nature sounds. Five. On a portable crib.

Then I turned the corner and found the clearance section, where the Cadillac of pack-n-plays with sound machines, etc, was half off in last year's color. Half-off the premium was cheaper than the lowest priced plain play yard.

Thus, we are the proud owners of a pack-n-play that has a million spare parts for all the accessories, and an instruction book consisting of pictures and arrows. We have just about a week to get it all figured out, as we have to leave our current apartment at the end of the month. Our new apartment won't be ready until at least the fifteenth, maybe the nineteenth, so we really need that pack-n-play. We will be staying with friends for part of the time, and at a hotel for a few days.

Tommy has a lot of fun helping mom and dad pack

We are concerned about how Tommy will handle all these transitions. If we had a choice we would not be making all these changes so quickly, but it was ultimately not up to us. Besides the craziness of trying to pack our apartment things are going well. Tommy has finished his parasite treatment. We are praying that it worked. We are cautiously optimistic as "things" have improved lately, but, that occurred last time he was treated as well, and the parasite ended up coming back. It would be really unpleasant to be dealing with the giardia while living at a hotel, or in someone else's home. Also, we are awaiting the results from a slew of tests. It took a few days (and far too many tries) to get enough blood to run the tests he needed, and to collect all of the samples. We should have moved into the lab.

Holding Tommy while he endured stick after stick and a do-over on his TB test (negative!) was miserable. I know that older kids fuss too, but at least you can explain to a four year old why they have to get tests and shots for school. Tommy has no ability to comprehend all the poking and prodding, and the look in his big brown eyes- "why are you letting these people do this to me?"- is terrible to endure, especially when our bonds are so new and fragile.


  1. Yes, you can explain to a 4 year old that they need shots for school, but that doesn't mean you won't be straddling them or holding them down or restraining them to receive them.

    And they are heavier. And yell very embarassing things at the doctor . . . ;) Shots are shots. At any age. They still don't get the explanation at this age.

    Imagine us, far-from-PhD's, trying to set up a pack-n-play. Everyone is remedial when it comes to that product. Would have loved to see you try, however. Very entertaining.

  2. Poor baby! When my little sister and brother came home my parents had me hold them for shots/blood draw so my mom wasn't the bad guys and they could "rescue" them. Not fun for me but it made sense. :)

    Tommy is just so cute...

  3. What cute pictures. Boxes are the best toy ever! Praying for you as your moves happen.
