Wednesday 12 August 2009

Playing Catch-Up

I am officially behind on many things. The worst is the adoption journal. If I don't hurry up I may intentionally forget that last week. We also have no where to live as of August 31. And Tommy has yet to see a pediatrician here in the US (in my defense he went to The Surgery three times in Uganda AND we are waiting for our health insurance to kick in). Less problematic are the growing pile of dishes and laundry. Don't ask about the dissertation. Or how dirty the floor is.

All that is to explain the lack of updates on the blog. They will come. I have so many posts to write about our time in Uganda, and many more cute pictures to post of Tommy.

Tommy loves his crib.

He is a joy. He loves his crib and sleeps from 8 to 6ish. We still haven't set a nap schedule, but he has been going down when he gets cranky without many problems. He will eat almost anything, although not much is agreeing with his poor little intestines right now. He loves music, and has figured out how to open the stereo cabinet and turn up the volume. He has very eclectic taste, his current favorites being Keith Green and Rolling Thunder era Bob Dylan. Mum may go a little crazy with that last one.

First trip to the record store. Definitely not baby-proof.

I am overwhelmed and a bit culture-shocked. I still can't get over how delicious meat is here, or how nice it is to have clean water running from a tap and be able to drink it or brush my teeth with it without having to boil it or get it from a bottle. I feel like I have way too much stuff.

Also, I have survivor's guilt on Tommy's behalf. It is hard for me to watch Tommy playing with his glowing, musical, colorful toys and think that a month ago he had nothing. It is hard to watch him demand yet another banana only an hour after eating and realize that he has never had his need for nutrition met according to his timetables. I am so thankful that we have the opportunity to provide for him and meet his needs. What a blessing is is to share our lives with him.


  1. Sounds like a post by a new parent! All things (little and big) are so much more stressful when you have a new baby.

    Praying for you and cheering for you.

  2. Welcome to parenthood, my friend! The dishes and laundry will never be fully caught up from now on!

  3. You've got to be going through so many levels of adjustment... I'm glad that you are able to write and share about it so we can pray for you and support you! Tommy looks sooooooo cute in his little crib! I can't wait to meet him in person!

  4. He looks pretty content! =0) I really can't wait to see him in person.
