Wednesday 15 July 2009

Pictures Are Here With More Coming Soon

Well, Amy's mom made it safely to Uganda on Monday night (or, at least I am fairly certain that I saw her get off the plane as I waited to board it - she looked like she arrived safely), and I made it back to Chicago yesterday. Now that I am here I can finally some post pictures, although we will still hold off on posting pictures of Tommy until after our ruling is issued. We still have plenty of other photos to share to illustrate our many adventures in Uganda (or, at least our comings and goings during the first 2 weeks). Where appropriate I will add pictures to the older posts as I have already done with the Jinja post. I hope to get the rest done soon.


  1. Thanks, Jeff. I'm sure you're busy, so I appreciate you working on adding pictures.

  2. I'm so glad Amy's mom arrived safely. Thanks for the pics. Absolutely breathtaking! I look forward to more!

  3. After coming home from my trip to Jinja this summer and talking and praying with my husband we have decided to start the adoption process. I really felt God working on my heart while I was in Uganda. So I was going to ask you if anyone knows the first steps to getting started. Agencies or independent? Any info would be great! my husband and I are currently in search of an agency! Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated!
