Thursday 25 June 2009

It's a Boy!

Tommy Klug (he has a longer name, but we have to be careful about what personal information we post on the blog until after he is legally ours)- 14 months, 24 lbs. He is from the Ibanda region of Uganda. Our court date is currently scheduled for July 1. We are still awaiting confirmation on that (due tonight). If all goes well with the confirmation, we will be expected in Uganda by Tuesday at the latest. Time to get on a plane...


  1. AMEN - you are awesome parents already and can't wait to meet the newest member of your family! Aiden can't wait to meet his new cousin Tommy!! :) We love you guys!

  2. lots of prayers for a safe trip and simple court appearance!! HUGE congrads for your newest family member Tommy:D

  3. This video makes you want to bring them all home!! Congrats again you guys!

  4. Congratulations and prayers for safe travels. What good timing.

    I've been praying for you during this difficult week.

  5. Oh My Gosh! YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so happy for you!! That is sooo Awesome! And I think God picked the perfect time to tell you!

    Congratulations! We'll have to get Tommy and ? together sometime!

  6. Chris and I are rejoicing with you guys!! So excited to hear all of the details and see your little Tommy!

  7. i am crying happy tears for all 3 of you. love you guys.

  8. YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have been following your blog for many months now and this is the post I have been waiting to see! Praise God for his faithfulness! I am praying diligently for the final details to work out effortlessly and for this exciting journey to begin. God bless you!

  9. We're thrilled, thrilled, thrilled, and can't wait to meet our newest nephew. Bless you as you travel, and wait, and work with officials in Uganda. We'll be praying that the Lord will smooth your paths.
    Love you all!
    Aunt Robin

  10. Wow! Congratulations!!!!!!

  11. All I can say is that you two are champions....Give that little boy all the love you have.
