Friday 3 October 2008

You've Got Mail

Today, yet again, I opened my mailbox to find a BabiesRUs catalog. Since Leah's original due date is fast approaching we have been receiving an increased amount of baby-related mail. Tiny diapers with cards reminding us that we're "almost there," coupons to entice up to stock up on baby supplies: you name it, we get it, and we don’t want it.

If only I had never given my name to those people at Mimi Maternity. Of course, at the time I had no reason to suspect that I wouldn't want to receive samples and coupons. I was passed the 12 week mark and starting to get pudgy. My sister Emily and I were out shopping and having fun trying to find cute maternity wear. I had no reason not to give them my due date and get on a mailing list. Had everything worked out we would have been excited to be getting all this junk in the mail.

For a while I had stopped getting the mail at all, because getting the ads and catalogs was too emotionally disruptive for me. Now that I am doing better, and (this week) waiting for a packet from our adoption agency, I am checking the mail again. Usually I'm fine with whatever mail we receive, maybe a little sad, but when I saw that catalog I was mad, because I asked for them to stop sending it a long time ago.

I have tried to get my name taken off these lists by calling numbers and punching in my address...but it doesn't seem to be working. Today I had to call and speak with a customer service agent to have my address removed, since I clearly can't rely on automated systems. She asked why I wanted to be removed from the list, and I said "My baby died and I can't take getting your mail." Then I totally lost it. She felt really badly, and issued a complaint on my behalf. I just hope it works. There should be an easier way to do this.


  1. That's so frustrating! If you want me to come by and check your mail for you on my lunch break this week I can. That way I can censor what you get, but you don't have to wait until Jeff get's home to see if the adoption info has come. I'm totally serious, it's no problem.

  2. That sounds really horrible:( I hope they take you off the lists-- you're right, there really should be one number you can call or e-mail you can write to get taken off all of those lists...

  3. Amy, I'd be glad to call the 1-800 numbers for you. I'm a whiz with customer service people. If you have a list, let me tackle it for you.

  4. I hope this is makes a difference in how easy or hard it is to get off of a mailing list like this. Those "promo" mailings are a pain and it's usually a bunch of non-useful junk mail.
