Sunday 24 August 2008

What's in a Name?

Many people have asked why we chose the name Leah Veronica for our daughter. The name Leah is of Hebrew origin, and means "delicate; weary," or "tired." Leah was the first wife of Jacob, sister of Rachel, and mother of six of the twelve tribes of Israel. Veronica is the Latin form of the Greek name Berenice, which is derived from the Greek for "bring" and "victory," and means "she who brings victory."

We feel that "weary victory" appropriately describes our daughter. Her body was so delicate and her tiny lungs just weren't strong enough to sustain her. In that sense she was weary, yet she clung to life against all the predictions of our doctors and survived the arduous process of being born, a triumph that we think of with an immense sense of pride. We honor that victory with her middle name.

Honestly, while I would like to say that we planned to name her Leah Veronica with its meaning in mind, we really didn't. We liked the name before we looked up its meaning, and would have named her Leah Veronica even if the names had meant something that didn't fit so well. Once the name Leah occurred to me and I shared it with Amy, I can't really explain how or why, but, I knew that that was her name. I had always imagined that we would have a boy, but after we chose the boy/girl names, I knew Leah would be a girl. Our beautiful little girl. I feel like we didn't really choose her name...that was always her name. We just made it official.

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