Tuesday 22 July 2008

Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep

I cannot say enough good things about this organization. It coordinates families experiencing an infant loss with professional photographers who volunteer their time and considerable talent to memorialize the baby’s life. The photographers also spend a significant amount of time cleaning up the pictures with Photoshop, and put them on a DVD. They do not charge anything for their services or for the resulting pictures.

I worked with three photographers from Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep. David E. Hails worked with me prior to Leah’s birth answering countless questions and coordinating our session. Deanna Mandarino was the lead photographer on our session. Joseph Pizzo, who was in training at the time, also photographed us.

Deanna and Joe were amazing. They sat at the hospital for more than half the day waiting for me to deliver. The nurses called them to come in around 6:30 am, when it was decided that I could be delivering anytime. When the doctor was delayed and my delivery was pushed back until 2:00 pm, they waited. They took pictures of us prior to delivery, and, at our request, remained in the room during the delivery so that they could take pictures as soon as Leah was born. Both of them made themselves so inconspicuous that I didn’t even remember they were there. They took amazing pictures capturing the moment when I first saw Leah, for which I will be forever grateful.

After Leah’s birth they stayed to photograph her bath and printing. We had pictures taken with all of the family members who came to the hospital, and of course with Jeff and me. They were so patient with us, taking picture after picture with Leah in all of her different blankets, and with many different people. In the end, both of them gave up their entire day to give us the precious gift of beautiful pictures of our daughter.

Deanna went the extra mile for us, providing us with pictures to use at the funeral within days of our session. Even though she must have been very behind in her regular work from spending the entire day at the hospital, she chose and digitally cleaned up four photos for us. Having photos of Leah to share at her service meant a great deal to us, and it gave our friends the opportunity to see the beautiful little girl they came to mourn with us.

Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep has photographers nationwide. Their website also provides resources for grieving families, including links to other helpful organizations, forums to answer important questions, and suggested reading material.

1 comment:

  1. A comment from Uncle David... Dear Jeff and Amy. I awoke this morning around 4am and couldn't get back to sleep. So I came downstairs to read the paper. Robin had your post up on the computer so I had the opportunity to read your Loving Leah. This was a real blessing. Tears ran down my face as I read your comments about sweet Leah and the birthing process. Life is precious! And your commitment to our Lord's view of life will touch many lives. It touched mine this morning! May our nation choose the candidate next month who has made a commitment to the unborn. God is glorified through your lives and commitments. Uncle David
